Before I began focusing primarily on designing gameplay, I started out creating environments within the Source Engine. I started out making multiplayer maps for Counter-Strike: Source, and eventually moved to Half-Life 2: Deathmatch once I gained more experience. In 2007, I released a few of my works to the public, and in late 2010, I began working on a mod for Half-Life 2 called "The Ascension." While it started out as more of an environment-building exercise, it eventually evolved into being significantly more gameplay driven while the aesthetics took a back seat.
The focus of this page will be on the visual and environment side of my game design experience. For more gameplay-related material, please take a look at some of my works in the Game Design Portfolio page.
A collection of videos showing all of the level design content for my Half-Life 2 mod, "The Ascension."
Click the image below to check it out.
Half-life 2: Deathmatch
A few of my published levels for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch from 2006-2008.
Click the images below to view a slide show of various sections of each level.
DM_OVERTURN (2006-2007)

The front side of the main building, with a view of the upper floors. This is where most of the action happens.

A top view of the entire map.

Overturn was my first publicly released map for any game. This was the first time I felt comfortable enough with the quality of a project to share it with others. I felt particularly proud of the "mortar launcher" prop on the roof of the map that allowed players to bombard a section of the street below. The level has a very easy to navigate, looping layout, perfect for a fast-paced round of deathmatch.

The primary street area. The yellow building and the brick building to the right are both accessible. The action is hot in this area.

An overview of the map.

Instant was born from a challenge I had set for myself to complete a detailed map large enough for a 4 player deathmatch game in less than a month. Though much smaller in size than Overturn, Instant featured vertical gameplay similar to Overturn, and had two traps designed to keep players away from high-value weapons.

The reception desk for the hotel area. The vending machine dispenses health, and the phones hide a secret room!

An overview of the map.

Helldistrict was my attempt at creating a map that felt 'alive,' even when no one was there. I used a few randomization entities and timers to create events that would occur from time to time within the map. This included a pit that randomly exploded with fire, a hallway that would lock you in, random sounds, and more. The layout is fairly simple, and is essentially a large figure-eight with a couple of side halls.
DM_OBELISK (2007-2008)

In the center of the map is the M.C. Escher room, complete with senseless stairs, ramps, and other wacky geometry.

An overview of the level (killbox hell is below the central chamber, so it is naturally not pictured here)

Obelisk was more of an art project than a gameplay project. The map itself isn't very functional as a fun deathmatch map, but I had fun creating the strange environments. The map centers around an M.C. Escher-like room with five exits, one in each compass direction as well as down. Each direction takes you to a different world with a completely different art style. There is an ice cave, a fractured version of dm_lockdown (an official Valve Map), an upside-down city, a Portal-esque puzzle area, and "Killbox Hell."